Если желаемого товара нет в достаточном количестве на складе, то свяжитесь с нами по электронной почте: ristart@ristart.ee

Double Waste Bin, 2 x 6 L

Код товара
Количество в упаковке
Единица по умолчанию


Товара временно нет на складе

Желаемого товара нет в достаточном количестве на складе, чтобы заказать минимальное количество. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по электронной почте: ristart@ristart.ee

Embodies a Fine Tradition of Style and Class
Constructed around sturdy forms of versatile shapes and sizes our hand-crafted faux leather type accessories provide a rich appearance and long-lasting service.

  • Double Waste Bin
  • Two removable metal liners
  • Faux leather
  • Dimensions (HxØ): 300 x 250 mm

Cleaning Instructions — Faux Leather:

  • The faux leather type surface is non-porous and therefore requires little maintenance. It can be
    easily cleaned with a mild soap solution. Do NOT use harsh detergents or acidic based chemical
  • Dampen a clean soft rag with soapy water; squeeze-off the excess water to avoid over-saturating
    the surface. Gently wipe the stains clean with the damp rag.
  • Then wipe off the area with a clean dry soft rag. The trick is to dampen the leather with minimal
    moisture to allow efficient cleaning and to allow it to dry quickly to avoid damage.

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